Get involved and be recognized for your role in advancing a carbon-neutral Michigan through the innovative use of forest materials.
Any company, organization, educational institution, government office or individual involved with and/or interested in catalyzing innovation and use of materials from forests for a healthy economy and environment.
Individual Champions apply to people who are not affiliated with an organization that is a Champion.
MIFBI welcomes Champions located anywhere in the world.
Recognition as a Champion with name and/or logo on MIFBI website and related materials
Eligible for consideration for professional service (volunteer) oppportunities with MIFBI such as board positions, committees, event support, perspective articles, etc.
Eligible for discount on MIFBI events
Eligible for priority consideration to sponsor events (Not applicable to individuals, students, or retirees.)
Featured news, events, or job postings in MIFBI newsletter or website. (Not applicable to individuals, students or retirees.)
Social media promotion (Not applicable to individuals, students or retirees.)