Wood residuals are a by-product of a number of industries that utilize wood, from logging to sawmills to secondary producers of wood products. These may be "in forest" - remains after logging or clearing, or industrial residuals - byproduct from mills or other wood producers such as flooring, furniture, etc. MIFBI recognizes the challenges of managing wood residuals and appeciates all beneficial outlets, encouraging the producers to utilize the optimal outlet that meets their respective needs.
In alignment with our mission, MIFBI focuses our work with academia, industry, government, and non-governmernal organizations internationally to catalyze the development and commercialization of technologies and products that capitalize on the long-term carbon storage capacity of wood.
Upcoming Events:
Past Events:A team of Michigan-based stakeholders meets to identify and facilitate opportunties for short-term solutions to the wood residuals challenge. This group addresses in-woods as well as mill residuals. If interested in joining the working group, please contact institute@mifbi.org.